Sunday, July 22, 2007

RateBeer 1000
It was only about 3 months ago that I looked at my number of ratings on and thought that it might be possible to hit 1000 before I left the UK. Back then, I thought it would be a close call. But I ended up getting there with nearly a month to spare!

It came clear that the big moment was going to come on our trip up to the Lake District, so it took some careful management to ensure that it was going to be something special. Driving up there on the Saturday, referencing the CAMRA Good Beer Guide and the road map, I had picked out the Coniston Bluebird Bitter for the big moment - whose credidentials include 1998 CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain, as well as various other national and international awards. And futhermore, I could have it at the brewery itself, in its attached brewpub - The Black Bull Inn in Coniston. The name of the beer "Bluebird" has plenty of meaning as well - named after the boat that Donald Campbell died in attempting to break his own world water speed record on Coniston Water in 1967.

So how was the beer itself. Well it didn't disappoint - see rating. Hopefully the next 1000 will be as enjoyable as the first 1000 (though probably a little less accessible back in NZ).

P.S. To put it in some context, I am still not in the top 300 raters on and am still well behind the top rater, who is just shy of 9000 at this stage. Though Stu tells me that when I return to NZ, I will be the top rater there.

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