Thursday, September 06, 2007

Beer Scene - Ecuador

Well, there wasn´t much to report on this front. Ecuador was a little similar to Greece in the way that wherever you went you were limited to just the same choices - typically what seemed to be the only two beers brewed in Ecuador, Pilsener and Club Pilsener. The Pilsener was surprisingly drinkable, the Club was not....

The beer scene in Ecuador seems best illustrated by the fleeting escape I thought I had find when seeing a Ukranian porter for sale in a supermarket. On taking it back to the hotel and sipping my way through a pretty awful half glass, Brad pointed out to me that the expiry date on it was for last year!

Fortnately - I guess - I haven´t had much cause to do a lot of drinking as I am still afflicted by some stomach bug (or parasite as Anna likes to call it). It laid me up in bed all day on our first day in the Galapagos, and I am still suffering from vicious stomach cramps. I hoping it decides to go and be a parasite in someone else soon.

Nevertheless, it doesnt´t look like there will be much relief from this derth of decent beer until we make our way down to Chile. But I do have a couple of brew pubs lined up in Cusco to check out, so the report for Peru may be more favourable....

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