Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Therapy - part deux

Another year and another 10 days relaxing on Anna's father's boat in the Med (see last year's trip) - life's not too tough I guess. With our imminent departure from London getting closer and closer, it probably wasn't the best timing for taking 10 days out, but it ended up being just what we needed to get away from the stress of getting ready to leave. And it was also very welcome to actually experience a bit of summer this year.

This year we took Rich & Titch down, meeting up with Martin & Viv (Anna's parents) on the boat in Villefrance, which is a small old town just east of Nice. For the next week, we didn't get up to too much, the recipe was pretty much the same each day - get up, go for a swim, eat, take the boat out and anchor for the day in a small bay, swim, lie down, eat drink, swim, come back to the marina, eat and drink some more - I think you get the picture. And we had some beaut weather, I don't think we saw a cloud the whole time, and boy was it hot (the one day we did see a temperature reading, it said 39 degrees!!).

Rich & Titch really loved the boat, despite Rich getting massacred by the odd mosquito. He also went down in Euchre 'championship' as well. By the end of the week we were all looking pretty brown (and also a little 'thicker').

Luckily for Anna and I, we stayed on for a few extra days after Rich & Titch left, catching up with my parents who were coming to the boat for 10 days themselves. All the in-laws in one place went smoothly and when we finally left, it looked like the cards would be coming out often for some late night rounds of 'Arsehole'.

Coming back to London, the task in front of us was no different, but we were certainly in a better frame of mind to attack it.

You can see our pictures here, and Rich & Titch's pictures here.

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