Friday, September 08, 2006


Sitting at my new desk this week, with my view out east over the Thames, I was able to monitor the progress of a large cruise ship coming up the river. Then, as it got right in front of me, the tug boats started turning it around. Couldn't work out what was happening at first, but then realised that it was to tow the ship backwards up the rest of the river as it obviously doesn't have enough room to turn where it docks. Apparently, all the large ships turn at the same spot. I thought it was interesting stuff....


Crazy Joe Davola said...

Takes me back five years to the day when a few hours after the events in the US a Dutch missile frigate steamed up the Thames and took up station in the Pool of London.

I loved watching the big ships head up the Thames from the 49th at OCS, or better still a stones throw away while sitting on our apartments deck.

Sam Possenniskie said...

well no, but the whole office was watching this little show